Friday 4 July 2008

Big Brother - Bb House Tense After Spitting Row

Relations in the Big Brother house are extremely tense after the explosion of anger which resulted in Dennis' ejection at the end of the week.

The loud-mouthed Scot was removed from the house by producers after spitting in fellow contestant Mohamed's face.

His aggressive behaviour was the climax of an enormous row, originally between picture-defacing Rex and most of the other housemates. Mohamed stepped in to defend the professional chef, but got only abuse – and saliva – for his efforts.

Mohamed and Dale faced off the morning after the row, the latter calling Mohamed a "f*****g little weed". Big Brother told Dale it deemed his behaviour aggressive.

Rex and Rebecca also had a tiff over Rebecca's involvement. She had stood up in the middle of Dale and Mohamed's original confrontation. Rex told Rebecca he thought had she not done so, Dennis would probably still be in the house.

"Don't even try that one Rex," she replied. Still some hostility there then.

Stuart, one of the worst antagonisers in the incident, insisted he was "trying to diffuse the situation" while Luke summed up the drama best.

"This is better than any soap opera, stuff the soaps, watch this! This is real. It's almost like there are massive storylines but this is a reality show," he said.

29/06/2008 12:01:21

See Also